
I guess I should have an About page. Although, at the time of this writing, I'm not really sure what this site is going to be about. Right now, I'm just experimenting and learning how it works. And I have to say, it's awesome!

It's funny how the more complicated and capable technology can get, the more we just want things to be simpler. So this is simple technology to make text appear on the internet.

I will write freely here. About whatever is on my mind. I've had all kinds of blogs before (and still do) but I never stayed consistent with them. My most consistent writing is on, which is a private writing place online. A place where you can freely dump out your brain into words, which then helps you process your thoughts.

Here I might do the same thing, but with a little more editing (but not much.)

If you want to know a little more about myself and my blogging history check out

Otherwise, you'll just have to read my posts to find out what this is about.

It's just full of Rex's text. That's why I call it RexText :)