
New is Good

I like trying new things. Not everything, just things that are interesting to me.

I know that probably goes for everyone, but I think some people aren't as curious as me. And I'm probably not as curious as someone else. There's a continuum for everything.

So this blog is a new thing and I'm trying it out. It's pretty simple and easy. And it's free from corporate takeover or annoying ads.

And it's free!

And it'll last forever... maybe. (But most likely.)

So, maybe this is a place where I can write to my posterity.

I've written to them in a lot of other places, like notebooks, blogs,, and other notebooks. They might not find the notebooks, or the passwords to my private, online spaces, so here's another place. Just in case.

Just experimenting here. It might not work.

But isn't that true for anything? Doesn't mean you don't try.

This is me trying.

Thanks for stopping by.
