
Not so Deep Thoughts

See what happens? I forget a day, then the next day is easier, then I forget the whole thing.

Well, I have been pretty busy, or just totally tapped out every day because I'm running Camp Uncle Rex with Jet. We go swimming and a bike ride almost every day, so I'm pretty exhausted by the time I head to bed, and that's when I might have time to do this, but I'm usually too tired. I call it in for my 750 Words too and mostly copy something else to get the word count. But I always give a summary of stuff that I did that day, just maybe not 750 words amount. It's a good journal.

This wasn't meant to be a journal. I'm supposed to have deep thoughts... about something... but it's usually about how I'm blogging (or not).

Well, I'm just gearing up. I'm working into it. It'll get better. (Hopefully)

It's a blog about nothing right now (which was good enough for Seinfeld) but it'll be something soon. Or maybe it won't. Maybe it'll just be text of whatever I'm thinking about, and that is Rex Text.

That's what this blog is about... right now.

Thanks for reading.