
Second Post

Here's my second post, just to see how they will look. (And because this thing is so simple and cute I just want to keep writing.)

I've been writing a lot lately, not for the world to see, but for myself. And that is worth something. Sure, I could get a bunch of followers or readers if I posted on Instagram or LinkedIn or Substack, but then I would feel obligated to keep up with responding to their comments. (Or not.)

Maybe I'm too chicken. Maybe I don't think I have something worthwhile to say. But I'm always taking pictures and videos of everything. I do like to document. I just don't like posting it on the interwebs. Maybe I will someday. (Maybe tomorrow.)

For now, I'm starting this new thing. It's an experiment because I'm curious.

I might want to write to my posterity.

Apparently, Herman has ambitions to keep this going forever. That's pretty cool. And since it's free, it'll still be available when I croak and stop paying my bills.

And that's something.

Something... wonderful!